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We offer a 5 Year Workmanship Guarantee on the products we produce here in our factory.

All warranties are subject to adherence to the Nebulite Care & Maintenance Guide. In some instances documented proof of maintenance may be required.

Please note that we can't possibly list all manufacturer warranty periods on this page as there are many choice to be made on your joinery. If there is something in particular you want to check, please let us know and we can confirm with the supplier used.


Conditions of Sale


- Buyer means the person or company buying the goods from Nebulite North.
- Nebulite North means Elite Window Solutions 2016 Ltd and their associates.
- Goods means the goods or services being purchased by the Buyer or the company.
- A reference to a person includes any Individual, firm, company, Corporation, Government or local body or other legal entity.

All customers are required to pay a deposit as detailed in our quote for goods and service prior to any work commencing including ordering raw materials.
Approved on account clients final invoices are due for payment on the 20th day of the month following the supply of the goods and services and issuance of a final invoice: this is available to those companies that are regular traders and have completed credit applications that have been approved.
Direct customers (those not approved for account) invoices are due for payment as per the invoice due date, invoices are generated within 7 days of delivery or services having taken place.
By signing acceptance of our quote and terms & conditions, you agree to settle all invoices on or before the due date shown on the invoice.

Failure to pay any account by the due date shall be a breach of the Buyers obligations under these terms and conditions and Nebulite North may, in respect of such account without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may have, charge a late payment fee of $25 after 7 days of non payment from the due date. In addition, unpaid balances over $1000 may be subject to 3% interest per month (36% per annum) charged daily until the balance is paid in full.

Progress claims may be requested if a) the size or complexity of the work requires longer than our standard lead time to complete or b) delays to the estimated completion time that are outside Nebulite North's control. Progress claims (if applicable) are typically requested by invoice at the end of each month and will outline the reason for the claim.  Progress claim invoices are subject to the above payment term.

Nebulite North reserves the right to place any customer on stop credit or seek payment in full prior to providing goods and services upon failure to make previous payments as per this payment policy or until outstanding monies are received.

The Buyer shall pay upon demand in addition to all monies outstanding to Nebulite North, all costs incurred by Nebulite North in obtaining payment of all monies due by the Buyer to Nebulite North including all agents collection commissions and Solicitor/Court costs.

Payments claims are subject to Section 20 of the Construction Contracts Act 2002  

In the event of an increase in the price of raw materials, Nebulite North will advise the Buyer of its Intention to increase the price. If no product has been purchased for the job the Buyer will have the right to withdraw from the Agreement to Purchase If they do not agree to pay the increased price. If the Buyer agrees to the increased price, that price becomes the amount payable under this Agreement to Purchase.


Ownership of anygoods supplied by Nebulite North to the Buyer shall remain vested in Nebullte North until paid for in full. The buyer (or its contractor) may install the goods only to a temporary and Incomplete extent and so as to allow removal without any damage to the Installation Premises.
The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Nebulite North may register a Financing Statement in respect of its purchase money security interest under the Personal Property Securities Act.


Until all amounts owing by the Buyer or any of the Buyer's related Companies (as defined in the Companies Act 1993) the Nebulite North have been paid (and all cheques cleared).
- Immediately supply has occurred, risk of any loss, damage or deterioration of our the the goods supplied shall pass to the Buyer.
- In no case will Nebulite North be liable for any amount beyond the invoice value of the goods provided by Nebulite North and actually paid for by the Buyer.
- In no case will Nebulite North be liable for consequential, indirect, or special damages of any type.


In the event that the Buyer defaults in the payment of any sum due to Nebullte North, Nebulite North and/or its agents shall have the right to enter onto the premises upon which the Buyer has authorised the placement of the items supplied by Nebulite North to recover possession of such items and take any other such action as it deems necessary. Nebulite North shall not be responsible for any loss or damage occasioned by re­ taking possession, and from the time of re-taking possession Nebulite North, may deal with such items in any manner it thinks fit.The Buyer warrants that Nebulite North may enter the Installation Premises at any time for the purpose of removing the goods and the Buyer indemnifies Nebulite North against all liabllitles, expenses and costs (including solicitor/client costs) arising from such entry. Re-taking possession of all or any items will not remove the obligation on the Buyer to meet payment of the sum then due to Nebulite North and all sums to be paid for the goods or services agreed to be provided.


The Buyer/s authorise Nebulite North to make such inquiries of third parties and give them and receive from them such information as may be necessary to determine the credit worthiness of the Buyer/s.


Where Nebullte North will make every effort to meet delivery times It will not be held responsible through not being able to achieve delivery dates. All estimates are based on reasonable site access being available and any extra craneage or handling that has not been specifically stated will be a charge to the Buyer. Where material shortages cause delays In deliveries Nebulite North will not be held responsible. The risk of any loss or damage to, or deterioration of goods due to any cause what-so­ ever shall be borne by the Buyer from when they were deemed to be delivered.


The Buyer agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions and In the case of the Company the signatories acknowledge that they personally guarantee the payment of the Company trading account and all amounts due to Nebulite North.

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